I’ve been writing for a long time.
Most writers pick a genre and stick with it. I am not most writers. My solo works include memoir, nonfiction, adult fiction, parenting self-help, and children’s picture books; my co-writing credits include scientific expose, biography, middle-grade fiction, and a faith-based marriage and relationship series.
I have worked as a staff writer/editor for Seventeen, Mademoiselle and Shape magazines, and my writing has appeared in more than sixty magazines, on dozens of web sites and in several anthologies. I have written and edited magazine features on topics ranging from health and happiness to rock climbing and relationships and been featured on the TODAY show, Better TV, and AOL and in publications including HuffPo, Cosmopolitan, Reader’s Digest and many more.
In my non-writing life, I’ve given two TED talks and been a keynote speaker at events across the country. I currently co-host the Happily Married… to Other People podcast, and formerly co-hosted the KTYD Early Show, the top-rated FM morning show in central California. I also consult on all things book writing and publishing. In my spare time, I wonder what I would do if I actually had spare time.
An author friend once declared, “If Chelsea Handler and Dr. Phil had a love child, it would be Jenna McCarthy.” Another described me as, “Lena Dunham if she had kids and shopped at Costco, or Howard Stern if he had prettier hair and a thing for happy hour.”
I’m almost positive these were meant as compliments.
Want to work together? Drop me a line.