
It doesn’t compute, right?

The other night at dinner we were happily practicing math facts with our eight-year-old, because we are good parents despite [...]

The Must-Have New Mom Posse

For an article I'm writing for a parenting magazine, I'm assembling a list I'm affectionately dubbing "the must-have new mom [...]

Mall Santa Can Bite Me.

This year I was one of them: Those annoyingly-together holiday shoppers who have nearly everything bought, wrapped and shipped by [...]

How to Piss Off Your Wife.

You know, in case you weren't quite sure how to do that. You're welcome. How to Piss Off Your Wifeby: [...]

My whirlwind week in NYC.

You know how when you go away, even if it's somewhere magical, after about a week you sort of can't [...]

Too old for Katy Perry?

Me: You're on the girls Sunday night because C got us tickets to Katy Perry! [giggles like schoolgirl] DH: Really? [...]

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