One year to a clean closet: Day 27 (green hat WHY?)
Other than in nature and inside my wallet, I'm not a fan of the color green. In fact, if you [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 26 (Indecent Proposal top)
You know how I told you about the top I have in five different colors, the one that's unequivocally me? [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 25 (mystery-pocket jeans)
A friend once mentioned she was cleaning out her closet. "Save anything good for me!" I begged, because obviously. Two days later [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 24 (bellybutton touchers)
I have a large section of a giant shelf in my Willy Wonka closet dedicated to workout wear. Still you [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 23 (ripped paisley skirt)
I am not going to beat myself up for buying a brown and green paisley skirt. I'm not even going [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 22 (flock of seagulls dress)
If you go back to Day 1 of this blog, you will see the sorry state of my closet shelves. [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 21 (this mother pucker)
I work out between five and seven days a week. Not because I'm on some quest for a rockin' [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 20 (cut-off top)
I do a lot of my shopping online, because unlike the folks at, say, the mall downtown, I'm almost positive [...]
One Year to a Clean Closet: Day 19 (bling cross tee)
I swear I only go on one girls' trip a year, but I guess I make an inordinate number [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 18 (Dorito hat)
True story: I was once featured in an online article on Cafe Mom titled Jenna McCarthy Loves Hats. (I also JUST [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 17 (garage sale pants)
Every three or four years, I throw caution and common sense to the wind and decide to have a garage [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 16 (weird little sweater)
I have a certain top in five different colors. It's got a split v-neck and those rolled up sleeves and [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 15 (chartreuse fakenstocks)
I have bad feet. Like, name something that can affect your boats--bunions, bone spurs, hammertoes, tendinitis, stress fractures, plantar fasciitis--and [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 14 (pregnancy dress NOT EVEN KIDDING)
If you've been following along on my yearlong urge to purge, you know that I love dresses. So much, in fact, [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 13 (Peg Bundy blouse)
First of all, I do not use the word blouse. And this one isn't quite tight or revealing enough for Peg [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 12 (yellow tube top)
I love strapless things and I always have. Growing up in the '70s I had this romper in every color (including [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 11 (BACKLESS halter)
If you picked up on that giant BACKLESS shouting at you from the title, you probably know where this is going. Quick: [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 10 (disco top)
For whatever it's worth, when you text me something funny and I write back LOL, maybe five percent of the [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 10 (sequin skirt OMG)
My 13-year-old daughter walked into the room when I was trying this on. "Mom," she said. "You know I love [...]
One year to a clean closet: Day 9 (orange-y jumpsuit)
I grew up on a steady diet of Charlie's Angels, and if I took anything from those many, many hours [...]
Appearances & Interviews
They don’t call it BETTER TV for nothing.
Jenna McCarthy2014-10-01T13:54:22-05:00October 11th, 2011|0 Comments
Okay, it was nice having my own hair and make-up team for the TODAY show appearance (clearly I could have used a bit of that here), but [...]
Oh, just guest blogging for my favorite NYT bestseller.
Jenna McCarthy2016-11-18T14:46:48-06:00August 19th, 2011|0 Comments
I love Allison Winn Scotch, and not just because she's got booze right in her name, or even because she asked me to guest-blog for her while [...]